May 4th, 2020

States are all relaxing restrictions and the news says we are not ready. Many states still have cases growing which is antithetical to what the government is telling us. People are still dying and the president keeps lying to us about how many deaths we will see. The president is so ill equipped for this and we are destined to have a second wave. I guess it’s time to stock up for the summer.

It’s 6am. I wish I wasn’t up so early. I can’t sleep except in the afternoon for an hour or two.

The weather is finally warm. The shorts weather I’ve been waiting for. Now get me to a beach and I’ll be ok.

Jeanie Kavenough posted on Facebook that she has the virus. I felt bad for her. It sounds awful. I’m frightened of getting this myself. She described the feeling in great detail. She said it’s like breathing out of a straw.

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