April 12th, 2020

It’s sunday. I woke in a fair mood that quickly turned black. I took a bath which helped but everywhere I look is a task to be done and I don’t feel like doing anything. We had a Zoom meeting with my mom, Robert and Noah today. It was good to see the kids and it lifted my mood, at least temporarily. Emily suggested I start going through my father’s belongings. What’s left of them. I took one box and while not super overwhelming I was able to finally throw some of his writing out. It is very hard. I remind myself that he is a part of me and this “stuff” will remain long after I’m gone, so I am able to throw away a little. There is so much writing that all I can do is look for clues about some magical thing that will illuminate my whole life. Found some neat stuff about my great grandparents. Meh… At 4:30pm we have a Zoom memorial for Emily’s mom. It’s the best we can do. It’s a blessing that she died when she did. There must be a G-d. She was spared the torture of isolation. G-d gave her a Get out of jail Free Card…

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