April 22nd, 2020

1:45am I can’t sleep. It’s like this every night. I don’t do enough during the day to feel tired. Emily is sleeping like a log. I used to like this time alone at night. No one to bother me, the phone never rings. I used to think this about Dcf till they started to come at night. That thank goodness is the past. The present isn’t that great though. I’m restless. It’s hard to do anything without a sense of the future. I would normally be planning our whole summer but without some indication that things are safe, I can’t make any plans and have to cancel the plans I made. No seeing Noah. I am so disappointed. I miss him terribly and can’t bare the idea of going a year to see him again. These are such strange days. They are talking about having a second wave of virus in the fall/winter that will dwarf the numbers we have already seen in cases especially when you add the seasonal flu. I’m trying to do work but very little holds my attention. We are going to deliver food again to students on Friday. I love doing that. I get to see the students and I like being with Rachel. We are going to get ET to do a Zoom meeting with the kids from both schools. The kids are so bored that they were even wont to do it.

The store shelves are still largely empty at the store. Except for produce. I still can’t find paper towels and it’s been over a month. At least we won’t go hungry. Emily has been cooking up a storm. I don’t have much of an appetite lately but I’m not concerned. 

Broadway will soon be having a streaming service for shows on Broadway. More diversion. Oliver is healing well from his surgery. We don’t have to go back for 6 weeks. The price of gas is 1.93 a gallon. So cheap and the cost of oil is in the negatives. Still no one has anywhere to go.

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