Short Stories


I used to be afraid to go to the hospital, so frightened in fact that the mere mention that I might have to go to the ER would send me screaming into a state a hysteria that rivaled a hyena. This past Friday when it became evident that I had to go to the Emergency […]

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I once saw a movie called the The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. It was about a man who became a quadriplegic and learned how to communicate using a series of blinks . In that limited capacity, he wrote a book about this experience as a quadriplegic. Imagine writing an entire book using only a

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We are not naked people. That’s what my wife said about us soon after we started dating. Without explanation, I knew what she meant. We were not the kind of people who walk around naked, especially during the daytime. I don’t even like taking my socks off, so if barefoot was intolerable, naked was out

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